Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Children?

December 22, 2023

You probably already know that chiropractic services focus on diagnosing and treating problems with the body’s musculoskeletal system. And if you’ve ever scheduled a visit to a chiropractor, you know how chiropractic care can support your muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons— thereby improving your health and overall wellness.

However, like many parents, you may wonder if this treatment is safe for your child. You may even have heard some people argue that children don’t need chiropractic care. Or they have to reach a certain age before they can visit a chiropractor

Well, with so much misinformation out there, it can be challenging to determine what’s true and what’s false. Read on to find out what chiropractic care for children is all about and whether or not it’s safe.

What is Chiropractic Care for Children?

Any parent who has grown-up children understands that kids tend to experience both emotional and physical stress as their bodies change early in their lives. Not only do kids love engaging in various physical activities but they are always in a constant state of “playing and discovering” new things. 

This is why it’s not uncommon for them to experience many falls, bruises, “bonks” and trauma which often leads to spinal misalignments and subluxations that end up affecting their development and body functioning. As a result, they’re likely to experience health problems such as headaches, allergies, asthma, bedwetting, and ear infections.

Pediatric chiropractic care can restore your child’s body to its normal and optimal state of health and well-being by ensuring their spine is in proper alignment. It’s also worth noting that, by correcting spinal misalignments and subluxations in your child’s body, chiropractor care helps improve your child’s immune system, improve their overall health, and prevent future injuries.

Does Chiropractic Care Place my Child at Risk?

Not at all. A review of all available research on chiropractic care shows that this non-invasive treatment option is safe and effective for children of all ages when performed by a properly trained and licensed chiropractor.

The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners reports that children aged 5 years or younger account for about 8 percent of chiropractic patients in the United States. The board further indicates that more than 17 percent of the patients in the country are aged 18 years and younger. Additionally, the CDC reports that about 3 percent of children in the country have been to a pediatric chiropractor’s office for this treatment. This data shows that children and young adults across the country seek chiropractic care.

Common childhood issues that pediatric chiropractic care can treat include:

  • Insomnia and Sleep issues
  • Irritability
  • Colic
  • Breastfeeding problems
  • Digestive distress
  • Allergies and Asthma
  • Ear infections
  • Latching problems during nursing
  • Bedwetting
  • ADD and ADHD

While chiropractic care is for adults and children of all ages— from infancy to teen years— alike, it’s important to note that one chiropractor doesn’t fit all. The type of care needed for a child differs from the one needed for an adult. As such, you want to choose a licensed chiropractor who is knowledgeable about pediatric chiropractic care. Plus, they need to have years of experience and expertise working with children. The sooner your child receives chiropractic care the better.

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